23 September 2024
Our First Date
I still remember when I sent the “When’s our date text because I was so nervous and did not want to say “We should go on a date.” I hated that I made it into the bit and genuinely thought “Oh no she just said yes to be nice” espically after you said “did you have fun.” The awkward drive back to the charging station. But I am glad we clicked right away and you said yes to coming, because don’t know where I would be without you.

26 September 2024
Pasta Cooking Class
I instantly was so happy that you made initiative to make plans, I felt super excited to go on the date because you planned it. I love when you plan anything and everything, even the smallest things! Our first picture together was here!

10 October 2024
Our First Tiktok
I was really expecting to go shopping and pick outfits together but you did not wanna so I was like damn maybe she does not want to hangout at all. Then I was like I am not even sure if she wants to hangout, I thought the exchange would be just me getting the flower and that’s it. I was so glad when you decided to stick around and make the tiktok and talk with me. It felt so genuine and like you actually wanted to be there despite us not planning anything.

11 October 2024
Going to the wedding
I was happy I got to take you to the wedding! It was so cute, us matching, us showing up late, us being called a couple, everything from you dancing to us getting out of the bathroom at the same time. To getting boba afterwards and trying to kiss you in the Lowes parking lot!

13 October 2024
Charcuterie Picnic
I really wanted to do something you would love so I put all your favorite things into one! Cooked the pasta, bought the materials for the board, sunset, and of course me! Our first kiss, our first cuddle, our first daze into each other’s eyes and the sky. I loved making the board with you and attempting our painting which we still need to finish!

16 October 2024
Tori Tori & Kori
I was so happy to take you to my spot and you loving the place! Us waiting and plotting for our table, to you thinking I did not pay. I loved every bit of it and the food was so amazing! Going to Kori after, holding hands and crossing the toad together!

21 October 2024
Café Tu Tu Tango
From you picking up me up from the airport! To me giving you the sunflower painting! I was happy you once again showed me your place which I have never been to! The food, the paintings, the guy telling us our future! It felt so warm and fuzzy, the place, the food, and you!

23 October 2024
Our 1 Month
Shopping for the items, baking it, eating it and doing B2B! In the same hotel, Everything was so perfect. I truly realized this day how much. I was already in love with you. I never felt such a feeling before because it was so real, so scary, yet so soothing and calm. You have made me feel so good about myself in 1 month than anyone ever has or will. Made me feel safe, secure and connected. Not just to you but the world.

28 October 2024
Flight to Miami
I honestly was not sure if you would come. I was not sure if you wanted to. I was in a way scared for you to take time off work and do all that for me. But I was so happy you did and got to come and experience an airplane ride with me! From going to the check in counter, through TSA, to getting on the plane, everything! My safe happy place shared with the person I love!

29 October 2024
My birthday :)
I loved spending my 21st with you! From the breakfast to you holding the sign up for my exam, to the little hearts I would do in the middle of my meeting! Everything! You meeting my friends, to having my birthday dinner! Every part of it! I loved it! Thank you for coming and thank you for making my own birthday more special!

04 November 2024
The Little Things We Do - Yabi
The littlest things we do I find the most joy in! From just sitting in the car talking to getting Yabi and eating in the Lowes parking lot. From attempting to B2B inside the car and cuddling. Everything we ever do as long as it’s with you or you even are remotely near. It fulfils me more than ever.

05 November 2024
B2B Airbnb
Our cute little Airbnb B2B session. Music has it’s own vibe and it’s best when we control the music and vibe. I am so happy I got to teach you how to DJ and us going B2B anywhere is the most fun ever.

8-10 November 2024
EDC Orlando
Our first festival together! Our first festival outfits together! Our first real bender together! Everything was so magical from watching the sets live, to feeling the music, to getting smoked and unsmoked. Everything about EDC Orlando was exciting, I was so happy I got to share the experiences I love with you and with you around! It was crazy how everyone who saw us just saw how genuine and happy we make each other and how much we loved each other.

11 November 2024
The road to recovery, the rest day of EDC. I loved how cute the food looked and how tasty the food was. Us wondering where we go and stumbling across it next door! Us trying the food at the same time and eating at the same time!

12 November 2024
Us enjoying our caviar and oysters! I was really happy I got to take you here and you got to enjoy lamb chops and all the food! Even having dessert together and just sitting, talking, everything about this was so pleasant. Fun fact! My favorite picture of you is ths one!

15 November 2024
B2B Chick-Fil-A
Going B2B! Eating Chick-Fil-A and watching the right trolls movie! Me getting super tired and taking a nap and us sleeping that night and not doing anything! It felt like we live together already, and it was just another day at our house! I love taking short naps with you and I managed to somehow quickly put your songs in a USB that day!

16 November 2024
Meeka + Rocky! I loved when you wrote that because I was going to write that but I just don’t have the skills you do! Infinity + Forever and Ever! 2 set of pictures for both of us! I was sad you had to go after because I still wanted to hangout more because ugh I wish we spent everyday together!

20 November 2024
Gazing into your eyes, hearing the loud concert and drums and guitar from the back! Everything felt so unreal, I was so happy I got to share it with you and I was so glad I decided to even go. I was happy you wanted to come as well! Glad we went, glad we experienced it together! Thank you to my sister and thank you for saying yes!

23-24 November 2024
Asian Food Fair
Thank you for coming both days! Thank you for saying yes! I was so happy to finally introduce you to my parents! ALl Access bands!!! I loved it! They were so happy to meet you and they loved you! From you meeting Tareq and my friends to us going home and doing B2B for 12 hours! From our little nap on top of each other! Us staring at each other on the ground. Everything was so lovely! Even going back home together and my mom and you talking!

3 December 2024
B2B & Pack
I was happy to finally bring you over with my mom home and B2B together! I am so thankful for you trying and helping me pack and even our little silly moments in the kitchen and while we B2B. Everything was so amazing and I really enjoyed every minute together. From being on top of the luggage and clothes just hugging to being in my room hanging out! Thank you!

5-9 December 2024
Art Basel Week
Everyday was a new day of fun and joy and wondering what will happen next. I was happy to share every bit of time with you whether it was in the hotel room, eating breakfast, club space, or dancing like no one is watching. I just love being myself with you and I am happy you can do the same with me. It feels so comforting and nice just knowing you are you and you are so genuine to what and who you are with music and me and everything and I loved that about you all of Art Basel. I was happy to share ANOTR and Keinemsuik and show you the classic Dennis Cruz move and glad we can relive them together!

17 December 2024
Christmas Pjs & Lights
I was happy to show you our matching ridiculous jellyfish x sunflower combo! It was crazy how even when the day feels like ugh it turns into loving you more. From us getting Yabi to us going B2B to seeing the Christmas lights and you showing me around my own city I live in. Thank you for staying, I was happy you got to show me your spots! ☺

18 December 2024
Yoga at Celine
The road to recovery, the rest day of EDC. I loved how cute the food looked and how tasty the food was. Us wondering where we go and stumbling across it next door! Us trying the food at the same time and eating at the same time!

21 December 2024
Sanford Art Walk
The road to recovery, the rest day of EDC. I loved how cute the food looked and how tasty the food was. Us wondering where we go and stumbling across it next door! Us trying the food at the same time and eating at the same time!

22 December 2024
Christmas Candlelight
Our outfits were matching and so cute and the lights and show everything about it was truly something I have never been to. It felt so nice attending it and being almost inside the show itself. So immersed and the glimmer in your eyes during the show and after. You being all excited for me to open up all the gifts you. Everything about tonight I loved a lot. It felt like our own B2B of Candlelight.

23 December 2024
Our 3 Months
Which brings us to our 3 months! I can’t believe the amount of time since our first date is only 3 months. It feels like forever, and I feel so immersed into you, your life, and you into mine. I love how compatible we are truly and how nice everything feels and flows. Even when things don’t feel right or well, it feels so nice talking and resolving things. Things aren’t hard, it flows like water. You make my life feel so easy and thank you for everything and being the way, you are. Just perfect! I love you!


My Dearest Meeka,
It’s been three months since our first date, and in that time, you’ve become such an important part of my life. Everything about us has felt natural—like the universe has been quietly aligning things to bring us together.
The little signs, our connection to 23, and all the patterns we’ve noticed make this journey with you feel so unique. And then there are the moments that truly take my breath away—like when we said “I love you” at the exact same time. Those moments remind me how lucky I am to have you in my life.
Today is the 37th time we’ve hung out and the 91st day since our first date. The number of calls, texts, FaceTimes, and the time we’ve spent together are priceless and timeless. Together, you make my life and my heart fullest.
I never got the actual chance to ask you, so let me do it now: Meeka, will you officially be mine?
With all my love,

Meeka, Do you want to be my girlfriend?